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How to set up Zoom at home

(This also applies to still photography and making videos!)

Try to have a mostly straight line with:
        Lights ====> Camera ====> Action    (i.e. your subjects)

              [like a movie director says: "Lights! Camera! Action!"]
You may not have control over the placement of all 3, but you almost always have
a choice on where to place the Camera.
    Lights should be strong but diffuse (not a glaring bulb). Sunlight reflecting off
    walls works well (subjects not looking directly into the sun).
    Most laptop and similar "web cams" have a focus of 3'-6'. Try to adjust the distance
    from camera to subjects so the subjects fill 50%-80% of the frame.
    Try to have a non-descript background. Hackers and thieves use books, photos,
    statues, etc. to steal your identity and your property. Don't use a virtual background
    unless you are certain how it works.